GOV.UK Lorem

Sourcing your five-a-day filler text snippets from UK Government announcements. Served randomly. Not endorsed by GOV.UK.

NIC study on Cambridge-Milton Keynes-Oxford corridor – The government welcomes the NIC’s interim report into the Cambridge-Milton Keynes-Oxford growth corridor, accepts the recommendation for an Oxford-Cambridge expressway,14 and will provide £27 million in development funding. The government will also bring forward £100 million to accelerate construction of the East-West Rail line western section and allocate £10 million in development funding for the central rail section. The government welcomes the NIC’s work looking at a range of delivery models for housing and transport in the corridor, including development corporations, and will carefully consider its final recommendations. Following a successful public call for ideas, the government has also asked the NIC to undertake a new study on how emerging technologies can improve infrastructure productivity.

Since 2010 we’ve cut income tax for 28 million people and taken 4 million people out of income tax altogether.

I suspect that I will prove no more adept at pulling rabbits from hats than my successor as Foreign Secretary has been at retrieving balls from the back of scrums.

Boaters will be able to register their arrival (a condition of use) online or by phone at any time of day, and pay any fees using a debit or credit card, or through Paypal. At present, they must register their arrival with the duty lock keeper, who can also take cash payments for any fees due. This can cause problems however if the lock keeper is off-duty, working off-site, busy with other duties, or if the boater doesn’t have any cash to hand.

So today I can confirm the additional investment in R&D, rising to an extra £2 billion per year by 20-21, announced by my Right Honourable Friend, the Prime Minister on Monday.

GOV.UK Lorem was created by Ben Basson. View the source on GitHub.
Data sourced dynamically from the GOV.UK Announcements Atom feed.
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.